Tuesday 8 March 2011

Who opposed the war and why was the war criticised?

Some Pro Boer E.g. Lloyd George
Support for the war war stronger in some areas than others e.g. London (capital) and Birmingham (constituency of Joseph Chamberlain - Sec of State for Colonies)
Difficult to measure support as no polls
Potential class divide with MC supporting more than WC - again difficult to measure
War would split Liberals
Irish Nationalists against the war as they saw the British as oppressors and sympathised with Boers as they also wanted Irish Independence.

- War morally wrong
- Imperialism/expansionist
- Repressive
- For profit - capitalism e.g. for Rhodes/Alfred Beit - mine owners
- For profit - to create more markets for goods.

- Kitcheners methods of ending the war in the final phase against the guerillas - notably the concentration camps.


Used to protect those who had surrendered
Stop support to Boers
Not for punishment
Would eventually force remaining Boers to negotiate
Treaty signed May 1902
But at what COST?

Supply problems
Military incompetence
Rapid increase in numbers
March 1901 27 camps 35,000 people
Sept 1901 34 camps 110,000 people
Typhoid 27,927 deaths many children

- Emily Hobhouse - Secretary of Woman's Branch of the South African Conciliation Committee - close family relations with anti-war politicians.
Jan 1901 visited camps in Bloemfontein. Helped by military authorities.
Completed a report which was circulated Spring 1901
MP and public outrage.
Mrs Millicent Fawcett sent as an enquiry
She reported to Lord Alfred Milner High Commissioner for SA who in turn reported to Joseph Chamberlain (Sec of State for Colonies)
Resulted in civilain authorities taking over and death rate reduced to 20 in every 1000 (less than Glasgow)

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